Daniel Bouland is one of the top names in Beaujolais, and rightly so I would say. I tasted his 2017 Morgon Corcelette next to Dorli Muhr’s Samt & Seide Blaufrankisch 2017, and while the Austrian is really very good, the gamay is just a more complex wine.
Best value – Pierre Chanau Macon 2019
A superb supermarket Burgundy from Auchan. Isn’t it enough to say that I went back to buy more after tasted it? Continue reading
Richard Rottiers Brouilly 2019
A Brouilly from one of my favorite Beaujolais producers, Richard Rottiers. This is new to me, I only remember tasting Moulin-á-Vents from him, which I found superior to this one… Continue reading
Fine Beaujolais Nouveau: Jean-Baptiste Duperray, Vieilles Vignes 2020
It’s titled Vieilles Vignes (old vines), but just like other similarly priced (around the 8€ mark) and well made Nouveaus, it’s easily up to most Beaujolais Crus in quality. Just like others I have been buying in recent years.
Give me more – great value Beaujolais Cru, Domaine des Brulets Brouilly 2019
Beaujolais Cru is one of my all time favorites in red wine, there is just nothing like it. And it is often so cheap, as in this case.
A cheerful one – Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2020
Big producer doesn’t mean bad wine. This Nouveau from the giant of Beaujolais is as good as the artisanal ones I used to try.
Cru level Beaujolais Nouveau – Domaine Du Perchoir Vieilles Vignes 2019
Do you think Beaujolais Nouveau should be drink in one or two months after release? The cheapest and simplest ones, yes, probably. But surely not the good bottles. This old vines version from Domaine du Perchoir was singing at the end of November, and it might be even better now. I’m glad I bought a case back then.
Pure deliciousness – Pierre-Marie Chermette Griottes Beaujolais Primeur 2019
Not sure why it’s not called Nouveau, as it’s released in proper Nouveau-time. Probably to distinguish it from the commercial style. And it is rather a Cru Beaujolais indeed, as far as quality goes. Continue reading
Beaujolais Cru greatness: Clos de la Roilette 2017, Fleurie
The benchmark of Beaujolais Cru – for me at least. Not a wine trying to be top Burgundy or whatever it isn’t, but it’s a complete wine. A beauty.