Sure, the simplest supermarket chiantis might be totally approachable after two years (as they should be, like Aldis 2021 which is at its best now), but buy a bit more serious one and you might regret opening it so young…
Supermarket wines: Aldi’s San Zenone Chianti 2021
I could simply repeat what I wrote about the previous vintage of this wine. A humble, cheap little wine, but expressive and delicious, I love it.
Supermarket wines: Lidl’s Corte Alle Mura Chianti Riserva 2018
Such a reliable wine. Although the 2019 is already released, this 2018 might still be around, and it’s well worth the asking price.
Supermarket wines – Lidl’s Corte alle Mura Chianti Riserva 2019
New label for Lidl’s chianti riserva, and the style has changed, too. The wine is still good…
Bonacchi Chianti Riserva 2016
Supermarket wines – Lidl Chianti 2019
The little brother of Lidl’s superb Chianti Riserva. A bit simpler but still nice for a midweek quaffer. Continue reading
Chianti for me – Col d’Orcia Gineprone 2018
This Sangiovese is right up my alley. I should try more wines from Col d’Orcia… Continue reading
Frescobaldi Nipozzano Chianti Rúfina Reserva 2017
The entry level, under 10 Euro Sangiovese called Pater is such an amazing rendition of the variety that I wanted to try a bit more serious version from the producer. But this Nipozzano Riserva 2017 turned out to be a disappointment. Continue reading
Another solid supermarket Chianti – Tesco’s 2015
Just what I expect from a Tesco Finest wine: restrained and elegant, like the other wines in the range. If I’m not mistaken Master of Wines do the selection for Tesco, and they always pick the balanced, pure wines, not the over-oaked, over-ripe examples.
Nice cheap Chianti – Corte alle Mura Chianti Riserva 2015 from Lidl

When looking for value, supermarket Lidl is often a good choice. Especially some of the Italian and Spanish reds they offer. The only issue is that these are available only for a few weeks in every year, at least in Hungary, and stock runs out quickly. This Chianti is one to buy by the case for the mere 4 Euros they ask for it.