A nice midweek quaffer – Vylyan Macska Portugieser 2020 from Villány

Photo: pannonborbolt.hu
Portugieser is a controversial specialty of Villány – it’s kind of a local variety, but it’s mainly used for cheap wines and most of it is just to be avoided. But when it’s well made (and from properly grown grapes) like in the case of this one from Vylyan, then it becomes a really pleasant wine. So much so, that I went back to the shop to buy more, which does not happen too often, be it cheap or expensive wine.

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Back online – my harvest season in the Mátra in pictures

The view from the Gereg vineyard, which many regard as the greatest site in Mátra. With some experience I can say it’s indeed a top vineyard with its own character – unusually warm and windy.

Harvesting and making wine fully occupied me in the last 6 weeks, so much so that I basically went home only to sleep. But most work is done now and I’m trying to return to my normal life, thinking about things I was used to do before, like posting on my blog. Let me just start with a recap of my harvest… Continue reading

A stunning red wine from an ancient Hungarian variety – St. Andrea Kis Fekete 2017

I’m a fan of the ancient Hungarian grape varieties saved from extinction by wine hero József Szentesi, and I already covered some vintages of his Csókaszőlő here. Here we have a Csókaszőlő from another great producer called St. Andrea, from the northern region of Eger. A different style, but this is even better than the Szentesi versions I wrote up last time.

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