Györgykovács Imre Olaszrizling 2022, Somló, Hungary

Györgykovács Imre is a Hungarian winemaker legend, famous of making tiny quantities of a few white varieties in the Somló wine region. I find his wines more balanced than many from the region and also quite restrained. This is the latest release of his olaszrizling (welschriesling) and it reminds me of the other vintages I tasted in the past, the style (and quality) is quite reliable.

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Ujvari Olaszrizling 2019

When thinking about young gun Hungarian winemakers, the name that immediately comes to my mind is Vivien Ujvári. She has been making standout dry and sweet whites at Barta in Tokaj, since she joined them in 2016, and by standout I mean the very best that have ever been made in the wine region – I could only recall a few early vintages of Zoltán Demeter and Szepsy that match them, and a few recent vintages of hidden gem Attila Orsolyák. Vivien’s family has a vineyard at lake Balaton, from which they just released their first wine, an Olaszrizling. Continue reading