The last wine from the blindtasting covered by previous posts is probably Hungary’s most famous big red: the Kopar from Gere. It was first made in 1997 if not even earlier, so there’s history to it; it’s made to last and I can confirm that it’s able to age for 15 years or more. Personally I often found it a bit too sweet in the past, but the current release is just great.
Hungarian flagship reds III.: Heimann Barbár 2019
Hungarian flagship reds II.: Sauska Cuvée 7 Siklós, 2019
Next in the big red lineup I mentioned last time was the Sauska 7 Siklós, a Bordeaux blend from Villány. Compared to the Merengő, it comes from a warmer region and there is no kékfrankos included in it, yet the wine is not that dissimilar.
Supermarket wines: Auchans Montagne Saint-Emilion 2020
Auchans own label called Pierre Chanau is quite reliable, at least that’s my experience from the last few years. Except a few underperforming bottles I had mostly good to very good ones, and many are great values. This Montagne Saint-Emilion is another well-made wine. Continue reading
Great merlot from Hungary: Gere Solus 2006 from Villány

now mostly out of favor here as well, but that’s a different story. The Gere Solus was (and still is) one, if not the most coveted example of this style. And well, it’s amazing as a 16 year old wine.
A great merlot from Tuscany: Máté Mantus 2002
Are you a fan of big Tuscan merlot? This is just beautiful. Continue reading
Supermarket wines: Pierre Chanau Blaye Cotes de Bordeaux 2019
New vintage of this great value entry level Bordeaux red, the Blaye Cotes de Bordeaux from Auchan’s own label series. The 2018 was probably even better, though I’m not sure – they are a bit different, showing vintage character I guess. Both very well made and enjoyable.
Supermarket wines: Pierre Chanau Blaye Cotes de Bordeaux 2018
Oakmonsters – Chateau Saintayme 2016
When oak takes over. This is not what I hope from a red Bordeaux. Continue reading
Big brand Villányi – Teleki Merlot 2017
The most well known Villányi brand. Big volume, cheap, widely available in Hungary.