The top dry white from Péter Pince. It’s also one of the finest in Tokaj, if you ask me.
Great Tokaji Szamorodnis on the market #3 – The World Class Balassa Bomboly Szamorodni 2017
The winner of our recent Szamorodni blind tasting. Took the first place for all the three tasters, and got the same high scores, too. It’s in a completely different class, everything else looked a simple drink in comparison, except the Gizella.
A great dry Furmint – Kovács Nimród Winery 2015, Eger, Hungary
I might be overly enthusiastic about this wine, but I’m so happy to find a dry Furmint I really like, as I struggle to love the variety recently (sweet Tokaji is a clear exception, though).